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How was this film related to weather, and how did weather push the story forward?

     The film Twister was related to weather by being based around the weather phenomenon of tornados. It is about a group of researchers who want to study tornadoes and want to eventually be able to create a better warning system to help give people more time to get to safety. The group of researchers chase tornados to try and use a new type of instrument called Dorothy which releases sensors into tornados to be able to more accurately recognise tornado patterns and signs. Tornados move the story forward, because their goal as a team is to try and predict tornadoes more accurately and one member named Jo really wants to solve this problem since as a kid her dad was killed by a tornado. Also, later in the story a relative of Jo’s and a friend to the whole group gets badly injured in a large tornado and there was little warning which didn’t give her time to get to safety. This event pushes the team even further in wanting to get Dorothy working and into a tornado so that they can predict future tornadoes better in order to help others have more time to get to safety.

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