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The Reality

How well or poorly did the film depict the reality of this phenomenon?


     Overall, the movie did a good job depicting tornadoes throughout the movie. It created a mostly realistic and graphic representation showing the destructive power of tornadoes, explaining how they are classified and how the bigger the category the more damage it would cause. It did a good job describing how tornadoes occur and what instruments they use to watch storm formations and wind patterns. Weather patterns are watched in an effort to try to save lives and prevent injuries and this movie did a good job showing the importance of learning about this part of science. However, there were some areas that were over exaggerated like being able to survive a F5 tornado with 300 mph winds by strapping yourself to some pipes, or how almost no one in or near the tornadoes ever got hit by debris and it always barely missed the characters. I also don’t know if I truly believe that the other main characters Bill can exactly predict how the tornados would change their path or predict where they are going to form. 

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